This year U-M is hosting the annual SFLM conference. With the exception of the March for Life, UMSFL does not get an opportunity to do much with SFLM, so we're especially looking forward to this networking opportunity.
The schedule of events looks fantastic. Right now, yours truly is out the door for the first on the list!
Saturday Event Schedule:
Morning prayer protest at Planned Parenthood (optional) – 9am
Registration- 10:30am
Morning speakers- 10:45am
Morning breakout session- 11:10am
Lunch- 12pm
Afternoon breakout session- 1pm
Afternoon keynote address- 2:10pm
Final keynote address- 3pm
Breakout Training Sessions Include:
-How to Fundraise for your Pro-Life Group (SFLA)
-The Use of Media to Further Your Club (Live Action)
-How to Successfully Sidewalk Counsel (Guadalupe Partners)
-A Discussion Panel for Club Presidents (SFLA and SFLM)
Speakers Include:
-Rebecca Kiessling, International Pro-life Speaker and Attorney
-Congressman Tim Walberg
-Ed Rivet, Legislative Director for RTL of Michigan
-Kate Bryan, Communications Director for Live Action
-Kellie Fiedorek, Americans United for Life
-Brendan O’Morchoe, Field Director for Students for Life of America
-Edmund Miller, Guadalupe Partners
-Josh Mercer, CatholicVote
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
BREAKING: 'Pregnant on Campus' campaign yields first save!!!!
A few weeks ago, SFL received an email from an undergraduate student who had just discovered she was pregnant. Apparently, she had seen our bus ads and/or chalking, through which she became acquainted with our Pregnant on Campus campaign and resources.
Today, we received this email, substantially edited for confidentiality:
Folks, this is what our flyering, chalking, and vigiling is all about.
This is what our prayers on behalf of child and mother are all about.
This is what being pro-life is all about.
Today, we received this email, substantially edited for confidentiality:
Hi ________
I apologize for responding so late. I wanted to make sure that I was
set on my decision to keep the baby. [And she is!!!]
Thank you so much for your help and kindness:-)
Folks, this is what our flyering, chalking, and vigiling is all about.
This is what our prayers on behalf of child and mother are all about.
This is what being pro-life is all about.
"The Guy Who Choked in Front of the Supreme Court"
Listen to Obama's Solicitor General, Donald Verrilli, try to defend (in front of the Surpreme Court, no less) the anti-life, anti-religion, anti-American health care overhaul now infamously know as Obamacare.
Try not to laugh too hard!
OK, maybe cut this guy a little slack. Could you do a better job defending Obamacare? I know I certainly couldn't. I mean, this guy was actually able spit out a sentence in support of it...well, almost.
[Hat tip: The Atlantic Wire]
Try not to laugh too hard!
OK, maybe cut this guy a little slack. Could you do a better job defending Obamacare? I know I certainly couldn't. I mean, this guy was actually able spit out a sentence in support of it...well, almost.
[Hat tip: The Atlantic Wire]
Another Save at PP--Go Hillsdale!
A report from Emma, President of Hillsdale Students for Life:
A shout-out to all UMSFLers: Let this serve as an inspiriation for all of us to finish off the 40DFL campaign strong!
A shout-out to all you Hillsdale SFLers: THANK YOU for your presence and dedication! Especially considering the drive--to bring 20 students each month out to PP is truly heroic! You will probably never know how much this woman was touched by your loving support, and by extension, how much her child will be grateful for the strangers now responsible for his/her very existence.When we were at the clinic on the March 3rd, we took about 20 people (from Hillsdale College) and were the first ones there. A bit after we arrived, some students from UofM showed up and were there until we left- a little after 11. We had 6 cars stop to talk to us total. We got brochures to everyone of them. One woman I spoke to was coming for an abortion. I gave her the material and told her that we were praying for her and that we would be there to talk if she so desired. She drove into the parking lot and about 30 minutes after heading into PP she came out with the material I gave her. One of the escorts tried to get her to go back inside and she said "give me a minute to read this." the escort got frustrated at that and told her that it was all lies, and we were just there to ruin her life. The escort went to take the material from the young woman, who stepped back and said "no." then she turned, got in her car, and as she drove away she smiled and waved and pointed at the brochures. [!!!]I also got several people from the clinic to come and talk to me as they waited for friends inside, and I got information to them as well. We also had the most luck with the escorts that day- they never once bothered, threatened, or yelled at us! God is so good.
A shout-out to all UMSFLers: Let this serve as an inspiriation for all of us to finish off the 40DFL campaign strong!
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Crazy publicity--AA rally makes national news!
As co-chair of the Publicity Committee, I'd like to take at least some of credit for Carmen's latest publicity stunt.
What did I do? Nothing except skip out on Friday's Religious Freedom rally to work (while, oddly enough, my boss skipped out on work to go to the rally).
Keep in mind that LifeSiteNews is a national pro-life media outlet, perhaps the most prominent of its kind. Thanks also to everyone who didn't skip out on the rally, and joined 1000+ others in protesting this anti-life, anti-religion, and anti-constitution mandate!
What did I do? Nothing except skip out on Friday's Religious Freedom rally to work (while, oddly enough, my boss skipped out on work to go to the rally).
Keep in mind that LifeSiteNews is a national pro-life media outlet, perhaps the most prominent of its kind. Thanks also to everyone who didn't skip out on the rally, and joined 1000+ others in protesting this anti-life, anti-religion, and anti-constitution mandate!
Nun to Religious Freedom Rally: ‘It is our responsibility to stand brave and to shout to the world’

ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, March 23, 2012, ( – In a college town known for its liberal politics, more than 400 people gathered at noon Friday to support religious liberty and oppose the Obama administration’s HHS mandate.
Just blocks from the University of Michigan, more than 400 people [Actually, the organizers estimated as many as 1100 people.] formed the local meeting of the National Rally for Religious Freedom held simultaneously at 146 locations nationwide.
Joined by schoolchildren from local Catholic schools, including Spiritus Sanctus Academies, the speakers focused on the constitutional crisis unleashed by forcing a religious institution to violate its conscience.
Nick Thomm, the executive producer of the nationally syndicated radio show “Kresta in the Afternoon,” said, “At Notre Dame in 2009, President Obama promised conscience protection. It’s pretty clear he lied.” He stated current coverage is a step toward full, federally funded abortions.

“As the bishops said, this fight is not about or contraception abortion, or a compromised Catholic Church,” Thomm said. “This is about the power of the federal government to define what is or what is not the mission of Christians” in a “voluntary institution.”
“To sixty million American Catholics the president has said that to be good Americans, we must be bad Catholics,” Thomm said.
Although churches and houses of worship are exempt, the guidelines for religiously affiliated institutions to gain a religious exemption are “impractical, impossible, and illogical.” Requiring religious institutions to “serve their own kind and hire their own kind” means “in hiring, you’re forced to ask a question that’s normally a violation of EEOC practices.”
“Must Catholics hire and feed only Catholics in their food pantries?” Thomm asked. “Until today, you did not need a baptismal certificate for soup.”

Meeting near the local Occupy Wall Street campsite, the throng of mostly young people received virtually no opposition and no organized counter-demonstration.
Instead, speakers encouraged the crowd to fight to preserve the Constitutional rights of their forebears. Sister Joseph Andrew Bogdanowicz, a nun from the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, said God “has given us these rights, and we must proclaim them in the streets…It is our responsibility to stand brave and to shout to the world.”
“Today is a day in which we need heroes,” the sister said. “We value our freedoms and since they do not come freely, we beg God that we will all be prepared to pay the price, if that should be in the Divine will – to stand with the countless soldiers, heroes, saints, and martyrs through the ages in union with the One Who hung on Calvary.”
Her fellow sister, Sister Martin Therese, said she is proud she became an American citizen two weeks earlier because she cherishes this nation’s founding ideals, however imperfectly they are practiced now.
Fr. Dennis Brown, O.M.V., warned those ideas are in danger. “If this HHS mandate – diktat – passes, the America we knew will be no more,” he said. “That’s not a dramatic statement. It’s not exaggerated. This essentially changes what America is.”
He called this administration’s war on religion “the worst crisis we’ve faced in our history in terms of our basic American identity.”
That assessment cut across religious lines. The president of the university’s Students for Life, Carmen Maria Allen, told the mostly Catholic crowd gathered at the federal building, “I am here to say that as a Protestant leader of Students for Life, the HHS mandate is not about the Catholic Church. And it’s not even about Christianity, and it’s not even about religion. It’s about protecting and preserving the freedoms granted in our Constitution.”
Organizers encouraged attendees to take action after the rally ended.
Everyone asked the faithful to flood Capitol Hill with calls and e-mails asking them to block or repeal the HHS mandate. Nick Thomm also directed visitors to the sign the petition at The resource director of Michigan Right to Life, asked everyone to support the state’s Religious Liberty and Conscience Protection Act. “to protect all those doctors and nurses who object to abortion or abortion-causing drugs.”
Several speakers noted turnout far exceeded expectations. Nick Thomm said at one point, “I don’t think anyone anticipated we would be having these numbers.”

Barb Harburg, who organized the local rally, runs Citizens for Pro-Life Society, said she wanted to inspire others who share her beliefs in the area. “Ann Arbor is a hotbed of liberalism,” Harburg said, “and I felt that we have to make a statement” that “there are a lot of faithful people who believe in religious freedom.”
“Government, by doing what it’s doing now, is already violating our First Amendment rights,” Harburg told “It’s absolutely untenable. I’m not going to take that, and I’m not going to stand for that. I’m willing to go to jail, personally.
Dianne Malesko, a local resident who had never attended a pro-life or religious freedom rally before, said she was pleased by the turnout and uplifted by the atmosphere but “saddened by the fact that people don’t understand life is so important.”
“Government wanting to be involved in religion when they never want religion involved in government is unacceptable,” she said.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
We are what we eat?
I "liked" a Facebook page titled "We can end Abortion" - and it is always posting informative, yet shocking, articles. One I found today was SHOCKING. It was a list of all the products that have been found to contain aborted fetal cells. Cells from an aborted baby are taken and cultured- viruses are grown on them, and are also used in products we EAT AND DRINK. Aborted fetal cells are in everyday products- even orange juice! That's disgusting! Even some of my favorite candies (well, they're not my favorite anymore!) contain aborted fetal cells. This just proves the fact that abortion is a business. It is a money maker. The abortion industry doesn't care about women and "reproductive rights"- they're concerned with collecting revenue in any way possible. I have decided, and I encourage you all to do the same, to boycott the items on the following list. If people ask us why, we will give them the truth! These products promote the destruction of innocent human lives- and we need to take a stand! Here is the website with the list:
For Life,
For Life,
Monday, March 19, 2012
32nd (day) anniversary
Ladies and Gentlemen: In order to celebrate the 32nd day since our stunning Planned Parenthood Protest on the Diag, we hearby present to you below our top photos from this hugely successful event.
(Translation: Apologies for taking 32 days to post these...)
(Translation: Apologies for taking 32 days to post these...)
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How many PP supporters do you see in the picture? |
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Yeah Nick--two signs! |
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And just in case you couldn't read Elise's sign... |
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Yeah Mrs. Vipperman! |
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You tell 'em, Sister! FWIW, the guitar-strummin' Sister Sarah invited us on her radio show! |
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Two lone PP supporters...and a mass of pro-lifers in the background. |
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Remember PP's pyramid of Ramen Noodles? Well, here they are in Sandie's truck. No, we didn't steal them--PP gave them to us after their rally flopped. Thanks PP! These will feed a lot of pregnant women! |
Too good (truly) to be true :(
Last Saturday, the undersigned--due to a previous commitment during SFL's official vigil hour--went to pray at PP a bit earlier, from 9-10am. Those of you who go often probably know that PP doesn't officially open its doors until 9:30; nevertheless, many of their staff arrive earlier, making this time period, I can attest, an especially powerful time to be out there.
While I was there, something almost incredible happened. I'll report the details in timeline fashion:
9:01--I arrive at PP. As I'm getting out of my car, I see fellow 40DFLer Steve pull up. We greet each other and head over to "the car" to get out the 40DFL stuff. It's locked. I go back to my car to get my own literature. Steve calls 40DFL coordinator Paul to see who has the key.
9:10--A car comes down the drive, passes us, and turns into the clinic. I jog into "the position" by the "No outlet" sign, as close as possible to "the line," literature in hand.
9:13--The car parks really far away from the clinic door. Presently, a young couple emerges and begins walking toward the clinic door.
9:14--The couple nears me, I shout a greeting and the man responds in turn:
9:16: They start their car and begin heading out of the parking lot. I decide to just wave and not offer literature, seeing as they didn't seem interested when I'd talked to them. To my surprise, the car stops right beside me and the man rolls down the window. (Personal note: Sometimes it's when you're trying the least that you get results. I wonder if this applies to Stat 408?)
"Can we have one of your pamphlets?" I detect perhaps a trace of fear in his voice. I give him one of our "We're Hear for You" brochures and an Arbor Vitae flyer. After I explain the latter, he thanks me and drives off. Steve comes by to report that he'd seen the woman reading a brochure as the car left. I am elated!
9:17: I start a rosary, admittedly thinking more about the couple than the first Joyful Mystery. I ponder why they turned around and left so quickly.
9:19: The second Joyful Mystery is interrupted by a peculiar CLICK-CLA-CLICK sound. I hear keys jingling. Then it clicks! (no pun intended) The door had been locked! The couple had approached, found it locked, and turned back to their car. No wonder they had reappeared so quickly!
9:19-9:34: I reflect on the preceding events. PP had just lost a customer by about four minutes. Who knows--perhaps an unborn baby escaped death by four minutes. I can't stop thinking about the enormity of the implications. Little do I know the disappointment that is to follow...
9:34-10:15: The car reappears. The couple walks again to the door, ignores my "hello again," and enters the clinic. They wave on the way out but don't stop to talk. I'm too surprised and stunned to do much.
* * *
Before the car reappeared I was already envisioning the triumphant blog post I was going to write about the seemingly miraculous situation. Despite the incredibly disappointing ending, I still feel obliged to tell the whole story, both to encourage prayers for the couple, and also just to provide an honest account of the ups and downs of sidewalk counseling.
My hope is that this will encourage us all to fight all the harder for life, especially by participating even more intensely in this fall's 40 Days for Life campaign. And there is, of course, a silver lining. An abortion takes much longer than the 41 minutes the couple was inside. If the woman really was pregnant and abortion-minded, we can still pray that the Hand of Providence will somehow guide her own hand back to the pro-life literature still presumably in her car; and in so doing, guide her mind and her heart to chose life.
While I was there, something almost incredible happened. I'll report the details in timeline fashion:
9:01--I arrive at PP. As I'm getting out of my car, I see fellow 40DFLer Steve pull up. We greet each other and head over to "the car" to get out the 40DFL stuff. It's locked. I go back to my car to get my own literature. Steve calls 40DFL coordinator Paul to see who has the key.
9:10--A car comes down the drive, passes us, and turns into the clinic. I jog into "the position" by the "No outlet" sign, as close as possible to "the line," literature in hand.
9:13--The car parks really far away from the clinic door. Presently, a young couple emerges and begins walking toward the clinic door.
9:14--The couple nears me, I shout a greeting and the man responds in turn:
Me: G'Morning9:15--The couple, still walking toward the door, disappears from sight (those of you who have been to PP know what I mean--you can't see people walk in the door from where we usually hand out literature). Twenty seconds later they reappear, and start heading back to their car.
Man: Hi
Me: How are you?
Man: Good, thanks.
Me: (stumbling) Uh...err...I have some excellent alternatives to this place if you know someone who's facing an unplanned pregnancy.
Man: (dismissively): Ok thanks.
9:16: They start their car and begin heading out of the parking lot. I decide to just wave and not offer literature, seeing as they didn't seem interested when I'd talked to them. To my surprise, the car stops right beside me and the man rolls down the window. (Personal note: Sometimes it's when you're trying the least that you get results. I wonder if this applies to Stat 408?)
"Can we have one of your pamphlets?" I detect perhaps a trace of fear in his voice. I give him one of our "We're Hear for You" brochures and an Arbor Vitae flyer. After I explain the latter, he thanks me and drives off. Steve comes by to report that he'd seen the woman reading a brochure as the car left. I am elated!
9:17: I start a rosary, admittedly thinking more about the couple than the first Joyful Mystery. I ponder why they turned around and left so quickly.
9:19: The second Joyful Mystery is interrupted by a peculiar CLICK-CLA-CLICK sound. I hear keys jingling. Then it clicks! (no pun intended) The door had been locked! The couple had approached, found it locked, and turned back to their car. No wonder they had reappeared so quickly!
9:19-9:34: I reflect on the preceding events. PP had just lost a customer by about four minutes. Who knows--perhaps an unborn baby escaped death by four minutes. I can't stop thinking about the enormity of the implications. Little do I know the disappointment that is to follow...
9:34-10:15: The car reappears. The couple walks again to the door, ignores my "hello again," and enters the clinic. They wave on the way out but don't stop to talk. I'm too surprised and stunned to do much.
* * *
Before the car reappeared I was already envisioning the triumphant blog post I was going to write about the seemingly miraculous situation. Despite the incredibly disappointing ending, I still feel obliged to tell the whole story, both to encourage prayers for the couple, and also just to provide an honest account of the ups and downs of sidewalk counseling.
My hope is that this will encourage us all to fight all the harder for life, especially by participating even more intensely in this fall's 40 Days for Life campaign. And there is, of course, a silver lining. An abortion takes much longer than the 41 minutes the couple was inside. If the woman really was pregnant and abortion-minded, we can still pray that the Hand of Providence will somehow guide her own hand back to the pro-life literature still presumably in her car; and in so doing, guide her mind and her heart to chose life.
3 Percent and first-grade math
Behold an article which we have stolen from LifeSiteNews, who in turn "stole" it from LiveAction.
As you read this, ask yourself...HOW MANY TIMES have we said EXACTLY THIS in response to the claim that only 3 percent of PP's services are abortions???
Thank you, LifeSiteNews, for mathematically confirming what we have repeated--especially to Michigan Daily reporters and pro-aborts on the Diag--until we were blue in the face!
Warning: If you haven't takenMath 101 first-grade math, you may get lost along the way.
As you read this, ask yourself...HOW MANY TIMES have we said EXACTLY THIS in response to the claim that only 3 percent of PP's services are abortions???
Thank you, LifeSiteNews, for mathematically confirming what we have repeated--especially to Michigan Daily reporters and pro-aborts on the Diag--until we were blue in the face!
Warning: If you haven't taken
The numbers Planned Parenthood doesn’t want you to know
We’ve all heard Planned Parenthood’s trite mantra that “only 3%” of their services are abortion procedures in order to downplay the pivotal role that “service” has to their financial stability. Their supporters (and sadly, many pro-lifers) have succumbed to believing that abortion is merely a small part of what Planned Parenthood is all about. [Stop jumping the gun, people--April Fools isn't for another 13 days...]
Here are the facts, straight from their most recent annual report and the Alan Guttmacher Institute, Planned Parenthood’s research arm.
Planned Parenthood provided a total of 11,003,336 services (breast exams, birth control, STD and pregnancy tests, abortions, etc) to three million clients in 2010. 329,445 of those services were actual abortion procedures. That’s where the “3%” claim comes from. If we use Planned Parenthood’s logic, we can equate an invasive surgical abortion procedure to handing someone a condom. [This is precisely what we've said all along!]
Planned Parenthood never delves any deeper into their abortion numbers, though. What are they hiding?…
Nearly 11% of Planned Parenthood’s overall clients obtain abortions. This is far from the deceptive “3%” notion they advocate.
Those abortion services garner Planned Parenthood millions upon of millions of dollars every single year. According to the Alan Guttmacher Institute, the average cost of a surgical abortion is $451. (Chemical abortions, which are becoming more commonplace, are more expensive than surgical abortions, so the following calculation is a very conservative estimate.) Abortion is Planned Parenthood’s cash cow.
Abortion makes up almost 14% of Planned Parenthood’s overall billion-dollar income. Planned Parenthood is acquiring a hefty chunk of their overall income from the one procedure they “want to reduce.” Keep in mind this percentage is actually higher considering the increased usage of more-expensive chemical abortions.
Planned Parenthood is the nation’s largest abortion organization. They claim to be “the nation’s leading sexual and reproductive health care provider and advocate.” In reality, it’s the nation’s leading abortion committing organization, performing over 27% of all abortions annually in America.
Over nine out of ten of Planned Parenthood’s pregnant patients get abortions. But hey, they’re all about “choice,” right?
Don’t let the “3%” claim fool you.
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